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Features of Vedic Math


13th November  2020

Reading Time: 6 Minutes


What is special about Vedic Math?

What are some applications of Vedic Math?

When we hear the name “Vedic”, our mind reminds us about a Rishi or a Sage holding palm leaves and writing some scripts using a nail; Well…. Vedic Maths is also as ancient as it sounds but no one is aware of its period and   the founder; it’s a wonderful old system of calculation given to this world by the ancient Sages of India. 

Sri Bharati Krishna Tirthaji Maharaj rediscovered this system from the Vedas during the period 1911 and 1918, named it “Vedic Mathematics” composed of 16 sutras; that has solutions for all Mathematical related problems and has formulae. He also discovered that all these calculations are done vertically or crosswise; it is the way our mind works naturally. His coherent system of solving the problems is the most notable feature of his methods. 

Vedic Maths excels and encourages everyone to practice mental calculation, which practiced in the right can help the students to solve more challenging exams. 


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📥 Features of Vedic Math


What are Vedic Maths Features?

Nine Features of Vedic Maths :

Integrity: All sixteen sutras are related to one another to make it easier for better understanding; one single sutra can be used to solve multiple arithmetic calculations using one rule.

For example, Nikhilam Navatascaramam dasathah is used for both general multiplication and division.

Simplicity: In this express world, simplicity is the best way of saving time and increasing productivity; our ancestors have come up with a solution of the most complicated multiplication problems that involve more than 5 step

problems using one single and simple step; which is the uniqueness of Vedic Maths.

Let us take an example of the product of two-digit numbers:

42 × 21

Generally, the steps involved in regular mathematics will be multiplying the entire number with units, and tens separately then added together. 

Modern Mathematics Vedic Maths



Total number of steps: 2

                4          2
                 2          1
                 8    8    2

First multiply the units vertically(2 × 1 =2); then multiply and add them crosswise ( 2 × 2) + (4 × 1) = 8 ; multiply the tens vertically (4 × 2 = 8) 
All the calculations are done mentally.Total number of steps: 

Creativity: The best practice to solve any problem is to look at all the perception that needs creativity and understand that there are more ways to solve the problem, which encourages the student to find a unique approach to solve any problem.

Fast and Accurate Result: Mental calculation is the main strategy followed by Vedic Maths; when a problem is solved using a simple method of calculating the time has been saved by increasing the productivity; since the steps are less probability of accuracy is more.

Intuitional abilities: Based on all the above features, it is clear that Vedic Maths gives faster and accurate results; this quality encourages the student to be more confident and to be more competent, increasing his intuition abilities.

Improve Memory and Concentration: Since all the calculations are done mentally, and with very few steps, students remember the basics with ease, which improves their memory and concentration.

Algebraic Connection: When one practices these math tricks of arithmetic calculations based on the Vedic Maths method of learning, it is easier for them to apply it in any algebraic problem. 

Application Area: Vedic Maths Sutras covers all the nook and corner in Mathematics, starting from arithmetic operations, geometry, trigonometry, analytical astronomy, calculus, differential and integral, etc. the list goes on providing endless possibilities of applications.

Innovation: Vedic Maths welcomes more scholars and mathematicians to implement these methods with added creativity and innovate more math tricks in modern mathematics
The above nine features are some of the notable ones among many others from Vedic Maths.

What are some Vedic Maths Benefits?

Based on the features described above, Vedic Maths did some Math tricks on both lovers and haters of calculations. 

  • Since Vedic Maths uses a simple calculation method, people who loved mathematics were proud of doing the fastest calculations. For people who disliked calculations, Vedic Math made it easier for them to get through the most rigid calculations with ease. 
  • With the minimum effort involved, students could retrace the steps and formulas without any difficulty; this helps improve their memory power and concentration.
  • When the basics are straightforward, a child can solve any number of problems using his intuition; the most complex issues involving cube roots, square roots, cubes, and squares can also be solved with ease when the knowledge of the Vedic maths is clear.
  • The most crucial benefit in learning Vedic Maths is that the person can use both, left and right sides of the brain for innovation and intuition, developing their performance of solving the problem in the most exceptional ways.
  • Students who learn Vedic Mathematics have said to perform better in competitive exams such as CAT. This is since the sixteen sutras’ application is perfectly logical and rational and helps save a lot of time.


What are the Applications of Vedic Maths?

The application of Vedic Maths based on their Sutras are described below:

  • śūddha (Purification): This is the primary and standard from of vedic mathematics that involves addition and subtraction of two numbers: X and Y ; where X and Y are variables

The addition takes place by using the traditional method based on the place values:


 Modern Mathematics Vedic Maths

X = 23
Y = 43

X + Y


X = 29
  Y = 42 

X + Y
  + 42

X = 23
Y = 43

      X + Y
     2     3
+   4      3
    6      6

X = 29
Y = 42

X + Y
    2          9
+ 4           2
   6          11
Since each place values should have one digit in them the extra digit is added to the next number.
Thus by śūddhikaran, [6, 11] = 71 is the answer

  • ūrdhva tiryagbhyāṃ (Vertically and crosswise): 
Modern Mathematics Vedic Maths


Total number of steps: 2

                 4          2
                 2          1
                 8    8    2

First multiply the units vertically(2 × 1 =2); then multiply and add them crosswise ( 2 × 2) + (4 × 1) = 8 ; multiply the tens vertically (4 × 2 = 8) 

All the calculations are done mentally.

Total number of steps: 1

  • dhvajāṅka (On the flag)

A Upasutra that helps in the division of two numbers; it can even give the decimal number in one single step

For Example: 

While dividing two numbers; 50 / 25

The calculation is written as follows:

2 5 ) 5 10 (
           4   10

In the above example, it starts with our modern-day mathematics. Still, the calculation is made simple, if noticed the first digit of the divisor and the first digit of the dividend is taken first, and the remainder is added as the other digit to the next number. Continue the calculation until you get the remainder as 0.

It’s incredible how little steps of calculation brought accurate results.

Similarly, the other Sutras played their part; they are as follows:

  • dvaṅdvayoga (Sum of pairs): Is very helpful in finding the squares, cubes, square roots, cubic roots
  • nikhilaṃ navataścaramaṃ daśataḥ (All from 9, and the last from 10): Is a method used to subtract any number from 10n; also to multiply two numbers close to 10n .
  • yāvadūnāṃ (By the deficiency): It’s a sutra used for multiplying two numbers closer to  10n ; it is referred as the 'Yāvadūnāṃ Trio', along with its two powerful Upasūtras (corollaries):

             yāvadūnaṃ tāvadūnaṃ 
             yāvadūnam tāvadūnīkṛtya vargañca yojayet 

The Upasūtras provide techniques for cube (x3) and square (x2) of a number close to a       power of ten (10n), respectively.

  • ānurūpyeṇa (Proportionately): This sutra helps in the multiplication of two numbers that are not close to 10n 
  • parāvartya yojayet (Transpose and adjust): A technique used for division with minimal number of steps involved by using the ‘transposition’ of the divisor
  • vilokanaṃ (By mere observation): Is the sutra used to find solutions in equations giving us all possible solutions; allowing the student to find the right solution by observing the values in the equation.


To summarise all the above, an ancient method of calculations found by ancient sages of India that was rediscovered by Monk Bharati Krishna Tirtha from 1911 through 1918 involved sixteen sutras that can be applied even in the modern system of mathematics to ease up any complicated problems.
Vedic Maths excels and encourages everyone to practice mental calculations, which practiced in the right way can help the students to solve more challenging exams. 


Written by Santhalakshmi, Cuemath Teacher

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Cuemath, a student-friendly mathematics and coding platform, conducts regular Online Classes for academics and skill-development, and their Mental Math App, on both iOS and Android, is a one-stop solution for kids to develop multiple skills. Understand the Cuemath Fee structure and sign up for a free trial. 


What are some applications of Vedic maths?

Starting from arithmetic operations, geometry, trigonometry, integral, and calculus there are endless possibilities in applications of Vedic maths.

Why should I learn Vedic Maths?

Vedic Maths helps to calculate 10 to 15 times faster than modern mathematics; with almost zero usage of calculators. 

Is Vedic Math useful for CAT or other competitive exams?

The fastest method and innovative approach of Vedic maths are definitely useful during any competitive exams.

How long does it take to learn Vedic Maths?

It depends on the person who takes it, generally takes from 30 hrs to 60 hrs to complete the course. 

Who found Vedic Maths?

The method of Vedic Maths is found by the ancient sages and rediscovered by 

monk Bharati Krishna Tirtha who wrote a book named, 

Vedic Mathematics and first published in 1965. It contains a list of mathematical techniques, which the author claimed were retrieved from the Vedas and supposedly contained all mathematical knowledge.

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