The following data represents the different number of animals in a zoo. Prepare a pie chart for the given data.

The total is 120
let the angle of the sector be x
x/100 × 120 = 42: x = 35%
x /100 × 120 =15 : x = 12.5%
x /100 × 120 = 26 : x = 21.66%
x /100 × 120 = 24 : x = 20%
x/ 100 × 120 = 13 : x = 10.83%
✦ Try This: The following data represents the different number of animals in a zoo. Prepare a histogram for the given data.
☛ Also Check: NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 5
NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Maths Chapter 2 Problem 98
The following data represents the different number of animals in a zoo. Prepare a pie chart for the given data. Animals Number of animals Deer 42 Elephant 15 Giraffe 26 Reptiles 24 Tiger 13
A pie chart is drawn for the given data.
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