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Math Puzzles

Puzzle time! Can you solve these 30 fun puzzles?


January 15, 2021

Reading Time: 6 minutes


“The only way to learn Maths is to do Maths”

There is Math everywhere. We are surrounded by numbers. Maths always focus on solving unknown things. Maths is one of the most powerful weapons that can be used to build confidence in children.

One such method of building confidence is by solving Maths Puzzles. The course of solving math puzzles is just like a roller coaster ride. Cuemath always helps children in building logical and mental abilities. In this, the maths puzzle plays a very important role.

Math puzzles are the power bank of deep understanding of mathematics. Solving puzzle problems regularly will make students creative and persistent.

Puzzle time! Can you solve these 30 fun puzzles?-PDF

Math Puzzles are a fundamental part of recreational mathematics. They have a particular set of rules and regulations to solve. Here are few tips to solve Fun Math Puzzles for Class 4 students.  Here is a downloadable PDF to explore more.

📥 Puzzle time! Can you solve these 30 fun puzzles?-PDF


What are Math Puzzles?

A puzzle is a problem or a game which tests the person’s ability to think creatively and solve them.

Math Puzzles are a fundamental part of recreational mathematics. They have a particular set of rules and regulations to solve.

Implement puzzle improve communication solve synergy organize team building connection plan trust service strategy. stakeholders business trusted communicate teams hands holding jigsaw puzzle synergy

The solver has to follow the rules to find the solution using serious mathematical calculations.  

Tips to Solve Maths Puzzles for Class 4 Students

Solving Puzzle problems increases the analytical capability of kids. Fun Puzzles helps kids to visualise the problem before they arrive at the solution.

Some of the basic tips given below will help students to solve the maths puzzles:

  1. Solving puzzles is a Step-by-Step Approach.
  2. Read the puzzle problem carefully, as each and every information is given has its own importance.
  3. Try to break the math puzzle problems into small independent parts and then try to find the solution.
  4. Identify the mathematical arguments and calculations involved in the puzzle.
  5. Solving puzzles daily will improve the accuracy of students.

Math Puzzles for Class 4 with Answers

We have come up with a set of 30 best math puzzles which include all levels of difficulty for students in class 4 to develop their understanding of math concepts and logical thinking capability.

Given below are the Math puzzles with answers for Class 4.

1. The sum of the ages of 5 children born at the intervals of 4 years each is 100 years. What is the age of the youngest child?


Let the age of the youngest child be x years.

Therefore, the age of the other 4 children will be (x + 4), (x + 8), (x + 12) and (x + 16)

Then  x + (x + 4) + (x + 8) + (x + 12) + (x + 16) = 100

5x + 40 = 100

5x = 100 - 40 = 60

x = 60 \(\div\) 5

x = 12 years

Age of the youngest child = 12 years.


2. What should be the next two numbers in the series: 4, 40, 5, 45, 6, 50…...


The above question has two sets of series and they follow two sets of rule

The first number is 4 and is increased by 1 in alternate sequence as 5, 6... and the second number is 40 and is increased by 5 in alternate sequence as 45, 50 respectively.

Therefore by following the above pattern, the next two numbers in the series should be:

7 (6 + 1) and 55 (50 + 5)

The next two numbers = 7 and 55


3. A tailor had a number of shirt pieces to cut from a roll of fabric. He cut each of equal length into 10 pieces. He cut at the rate of 45 cuts a minute. How many rolls would be cut in 25 minutes


The number of cuts required to roll a fabric into 10 pieces = 9.

Therefore, required number of rolls = (45 \(\times\) 25) \(\div\) 9 = 125

Rolls cut in 25 minutes = 125


4. Jack had some apples. He sold 40% of apples and he still had 450 apples. Originally how many apples did he have?


Jack had an ‘x’ number of apples at the beginning.

After selling 40% of apples, Jack had 450 apples.

i.e. (100 - 40)% of x apples = 450 apples

60% of x apples = 450 apples

0.6x = 450

x = 450 \(\div\) 0.6

x = 750 apples

Originally, Jack had 750 apples


5. The price of four tables and eight chairs is Rs. 16,050. What is the price of twenty tables and forty chairs?


The number of 4 tables and 8 chairs has increased by 5 times. 

Therefore the original price of the 4 chairs and 8 tables has also increased by 5 times

So, the price of twenty tables and forty chairs are = 16,050 \(\times\) 5 = Rs. 80,250

The price would be Rs. 80,250


6. The difference between a two-digit number and the number after interchanging the position of the two-digit is 54. What is the difference between the two-digit of the number?


Let the number in units digit by ‘y’ and the tens digit be ‘x’.

Therefore, two-digit number is 10x + y

After interchanging the digit, the number will  be 10y + x

Then, (10x + y) - (10y + x) = 54

10x + y - 10y - x = 54

9x - 9y = 54

9(x - y) = 54

The difference between the two-digit is (x - y) = 6

Difference between the two digits = 6


7. Roshan ranks 9th from the top and 28th from the bottom in a class. How many students are there in the class?


As Roshan is included twice in the ranking, subtract one from the total number of students.

Therefore total number of students:

= (9 + 28) - 1 = 36

There are 36 students in the class


8. If 435 = 21, 458 = 71, 472 = 31, what is 495 = ?


4 + 3 + 5 = 12 = 21 (Reversed)

4 + 5 + 8 = 17 = 71 (Reversed)

4 + 7 + 2 = 13 = 31 (Reversed)

Similarly, 4 + 9 + 5 = 18 = 81 (Reversed)

Hence, 495 = 81


9. X is a four-digit number. The ones digit is the largest single-digit number. The tens digit is 5 less than the hundreds digit. The hundreds digit is 4 more than the thousands digit and thousands digit is 6 less than the ones digit. What is the number X?


Step 1: The largest single-digit number is 9. Therefore the ones digit is 9.

Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones

Step 2: As we have found out the ones digit, we have to find out the next unknown number based upon the known ones digit.

Therefore we can find out the thousands digit which is 6 less than the ones digit i.e 9 - 6 = 3 

Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones
3     9

Step 3: Next you have to find out the hundreds digit which is 4 more than the thousands digit i.e 3 + 4 = 7

Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones
3 7   9

Step 4: Finally the tens digit is 5 less than the hundreds digit i.e 7 - 5 = 2

Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones
3 7 2 9


Therefore X is 3729


10. It was Sunday on Jan 1, 2006. What is the day of the week on Jan 1, 2010?


On the 31st December 2005 was Saturday

Number of odd days from the year 2006 to 2009 = (1 + 1 + 2 + 1 ) = 5 odd days

Therefore, on the 31st December 2009, it was Thursday

So, Jan 1, 2010, is Friday

Jan 1, 2010, is a Friday


11.  What is the product of all the whole numbers?


Whole numbers begin from Zero (0). Hence if you multiply all the whole numbers such as 0 \(\times\) 1 \(\times\) 2 \(\times\) 3 \(\times\)... n; you will get the product as zero since any number multiplied by 0 will result in 0 as its product.

Zero is the product of all whole numbers


12.  If A’s salary is 50% more than B’s, then by what percent is B’s salary less than A’s salary?


Let B's salary be Rs. 100.

A's salary is 50% more than B's salary (Rs. 100); A's salary can be calculated as:

= Rs. 100 + (50% \(\times\) Rs. 100)

= Rs. 100 + Rs. 50

= Rs. 150

Now let's calculate the percentage by which B's salary is less than A's salary:

= (50/150 + 100) \(\times\) 100%

= 1/3 \(\times\) 100%

= 33.33%

B’s salary is 33.33% less than A’s salary


13. Pradeep spends half of the monthly income on food items. Then he spends one-fifth of the remaining income on clothes and conveyance. He spends one-fourth of the remaining amount on rent. If he saves Rs. 36,000 every year. What is his monthly income?


Let the expense on food items be 50%

Clothes + Conveyance = 1/5 of 50% = 10%

Rent = 1/4 of 10% = 2.5%

The remaining amount is 7.5% of the monthly salary.

7.5% = 36000/12 = Rs. 3000

Therefore, Monthly income is:

3000 \(\times\) 100/7.5 = Rs. 40,000.

His monthly income is Rs. 40,000


14. 4 pipes can fill a reservoir in 15, 20, 30 and 60 hours respectively. The first was opened at 4 am, second at 5 am, third at 6 am and the fourth at 7 am. When will the reservoir be full?


Let the time be “t” hours after 4 am.

t/15 + (t - 1)/20 + (t - 2)/30 + (t - 3)/60 = 1

Therefore, t = 7 hours

The reservoir is filled at 11 am


15.  What is the sum of all the integers?


The sum of all the integers is 0 (Zero). Because the sum of all positive and negative numbers are zero.

Sum of all integers = Zero


16. Raj sells 15 notebooks at Rs.165. He bought 4 notebooks from the profit he earned. What is the profit Raj gained?


The price of 1 notebook is 165 \(\div\) 15 = Rs. 11

Therefore, the price of 4 notebooks is 11 \(\times\) 4 = Rs. 44

So, the profit gained by Raj is Rs. 44

Profit gained = Rs. 44


17.  If A + C = 5, E + D = 9, F + B = 8 Then, what is I + G?


A = 1, B = 2, C = 3……

1 + 4 = 5

5 + 4 = 9

6 + 2 = 8

Therefore, I = 9 and G = 7

9 + 7 = 16

I + G = 16


18. There are three women wrestlers named Tina, Charlotte and Nicole.  Tina weighs half of the weight of Nicole and Charlotte weighs 4 times the weight of Tina. Their total weight is 560 kilograms. Find the weight of Tina, Nicole and Charlotte?


Let the weight of Tina be x kg

Therefore, weight of Nicole is 2x kg

Weight of Charlotte is 4x kg

So, x + 2x + 4x = 560

7x = 560

x = 80 kg

Weight of Tina: x = 80 kg

Weight of Nicole: 2x = 2 \(\times\) 80 = 160 kg

Weight of Charlotte: 4x = 4 \(\times\) 80 = 320 kg

Tina, Nicole & Charlotte weigh 80, 160 & 320 kgs respectively


19.  In a class of 40 students, 25 play cricket and 22 play tennis. 16 students play both cricket and tennis. Find the number of students who do not play any game?


40 - (25 + 22 - 16) = 40 - 31 = 9

9 students do not play any game


20.  From his house, Peter went 15 kms to the North. Then he turned to the west and covered 10 kms. Then he turned right and covered 5 kms. Finally, turning to the east, he covered 10 kms. In which direction is he from his house?


Visualise the movement of Peter as per the instructions given in the question.

You can also represent it in a diagrammatic way and label each of his position as A, B, C, D and E; where A is the starting point and E is the ending point.

Observe where the point E lies from point A (i.e Peter's house).

Peter is in the North direction from his house


21.  Find the wrong number from the below series.

12439, 23549, 34659, 45769, 57689


57689 - This is because the difference between the other 4 numbers is kept at 11110 whereas the difference between 57689 and 45769 is 11120

57689 is the wrong number


22.  How many times does the 29th day of the month occur in 400 consecutive years?


In 400 consecutive years, there are 97 leap years. 

Hence February has the 29th day for 97 time

The remaining eleven months has 29th day 4400 times (400 \(\times\) 11)

Therefore, the total 29th day in a month in 400 consecutive years is 4400 + 97 = 4497

The 29th day occurs 4497 times


23. In a class test, there were 40 questions. Students score 3 marks for each correct answer, 2 marks are deducted for each incorrect answer and no marks for the questions which are not attempted.

A student in the class answered 25 questions in which 15 are correct and remaining are incorrect. What is the score of that student?


Total question answered = 25

Correct Answers:

= 15 \(\times\) 3 = 45 marks

Incorrect Answers:

= 25 - 15 = 10 questions

= 10 \(\times\) 2 = 20 marks

Therefore, total marks = 45 - 20 = 25 marks.

The student scored 25 marks


24.  By how many times is 252,480 greater than 25,248?


To find this answer, simply divide 252,480 by 25,248.

So, 252,480 \(\div\) 25, 248 = 10

252,480 is 10 times greater than 25,248


25. The length and breadth of the rectangular piece of land are 700 m and 300 m respectively. What is the cost of the land if 1 sq.m of the land costs Rs. 10,000?


Area of the rectangular piece of land = length \(\times\) breadth = 700 \(\times\) 300 = 21,000 sq.m

Cost of 1 sq.m of the land is Rs. 10,000

Therefore, the cost of 21,000 sq.m = 10,000 \(\times\) 21,000 = Rs. 21,00,00,000 = 21 Crore

Cost of the land = Rs. 21 Crore


26. The population of Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh are 540 lakhs and 1700 lakhs. The area of Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh are 2 lakhs and 4 lakhs Find the state which is less populated.


To find the less populated state, we need to find the number of people in 1

Therefore, no. of people in 1 in Rajasthan = 540 \(\div\) 2 = 270 people

No. of people in 1 in UP = 1700 \(\div\) 4 = 425 people

Comparing both, Rajasthan is less populated than Uttar Pradesh.

State less populated = Rajasthan


27.  If 11 \(\times\) 11 = 4, 22 \(\times\) 22 = 16, then what is 55 \(\times\) 55 = ?


11 \(\times\) 11 = 1 + 1 \(\times\) 1 + 1 = 2 \(\times\) 2 = 4

22 \(\times\) 22 = 2 + 2 \(\times\) 2 + 2 = 4 \(\times\) 4 = 16

55 \(\times\) 55 = 5 + 5 \(\times\) 5 + 5 = 10 \(\times\) 10 = 100

55 \(\times\) 55 = 100


28. A 4-digit starts with 25. The next two digits are three times of the first two digits. Then the obtained 4-digit number is multiplied by 65 and the result is divided by 5. What is the final result?


In the 4-digit number, the first two-digit is 25 and the next two digits is thrice of first two i.e. 25 \(\times\) 3 = 75

Then the 4-digit number is 2575

Therefore, 2575 \(\times\) 65 = 1,67,375

1,67,375 \(\div\) 5 = 33,475

The final result is 33,475


29.  If 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = R, 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = T, 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = E, then what is 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = ?


1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4 = FOUR \(\implies\!\) R

(Notice that “R” is the last letter)

2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8 = EIGHT \(\implies\!\) T

3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 12 = TWELVE \(\implies\!\) E

5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 20 = TWENTY \(\implies\!\) Y

The answer is “Y”


30.  According to the will of a person, 1/2 of the property goes to his wife. 1/3 of the remaining property goes to his 2 sons. His daughter gets Rs. 1,00,000 from her father’s property. Find the total asset of the person.


Let the total asset be x

His Wife gets 1/2x

Two of his sons get = 2[1/3(x - 1/2x)] = x/3

Daughter’s share = Rs. 1,00,000

x = 1/2x + x/3 + 1,00,000

Total Asset x = Rs. 6,00,000

Total Asset = Rs. 6,00,000


“Math may not teach me everything required for life, but it definitely gives me hope that every problem has a solution. It all depends on our ability to find it”.

The article explains the importance of solving Maths Puzzles which in turn helps to develop logical and critical thinking abilities in kids.

The 30 fun puzzles mentioned in the article helps kids to understand the problems and then find the solution in an appropriate manner. So make it a habit to solve the puzzle problems every day so that it builds confidence in kids.

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About Cuemath

Cuemath, a student-friendly mathematics and coding platform, conducts regular Online Classes for academics and skill-development, and their Mental Math App, on both iOS and Android, is a one-stop solution for kids to develop multiple skills.Understand the Cuemath Fee structure and sign up for a free trial.

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