Learn Math
The Right Way

Online 1-to-1 Math Tutoring
Grades K to 12
Learning Student
Learning Student
Tutors Who Care
Bharti Aggarwal
M.Sc. Mathematics
8+ years of experience
4500+ hours taught
Naga Manasa Elchuri
6+ years of experience
3500+ hours taught
Akshaya J.
7+ years of experience
5500+ hours taught
Bharti Aggarwal
M.Sc. Mathematics
8+ years of experience
4500+ hours taught
The Right Tutor
For Your Child
Stringent selection, robust training, and continuous upskilling
To match your child's unique personality and learning style
Homework help, Exam prep, Advanced learning, Remedial support
How do our classes work?
Pay only if you like us. No strings attached.
Tell us about your child
Fill out a simple form to help us understand your child's unique personality and learning needs.
Speak to our counselor
Discuss your expectations with our counselor, who will match your child with the right tutor for a trial session.
Attend a FREE session
Watch your child engage and learn with our tutors, and get all your questions answered.
Choose a plan and pay
Once you're happy, pick a plan that suits your schedule and make the payment to start your classes.
Trusted by 400,000+ parents in 80+ countries
“For the last 4 years, my son has improved a lot. The tutor makes it simple with fun activities. I recommend Cuemath to all parents.”
Dr. Neelima Nalawaday
Vighnesh’s mom, Grade 7
“I like the one-on-one interaction with the tutor, the time flexibility and, the personal relationship that is built between the student, tutor and the parent.”
Treeyona’s mom, Grade 1
“Cuemath has helped my child in academics and in building confidence and a correct attitude towards math. I’d recommend Cuemath to all students.”
Daniel’s mom, Grade 3
“For the last 4 years, my son has improved a lot. The tutor makes it simple with fun activities. I recommend Cuemath to all parents.”
Dr. Neelima Nalawaday
Vighnesh’s mom, Grade 7
Cuemath Classes Just Work
astronaut with heart
Cuemath App Rating
Rated 4.5+ on Trustpilot
ASU + GSV Summit 2023
Backed by the best in the industry
Grant Thornton
Cuemath students outperformed their seniors
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We love solving doubts!
What is the frequency and duration of your classes?
Typically, the number of classes is two per week for grades K to 8, and three per week for high school. But the schedule is flexible, according to your child’s requirements and availability. Also, each class runs for 55 minutes, extendable to an hour.
What devices do I need for attending your classes?
A desktop or laptop computer that supports video calling is necessary for attending our classes. We also highly recommend a writing tablet for the best learning experience.
My child has specific learning requirements. Is your program flexible enough?
Absolutely. Our tutors will always customize the classes according to what your child needs - be it homework help, exam or test prep, remedial support for past gaps, or advanced learning.
Can your tutors teach the topics covered in my child’s school or curriculum?
Our tutors are trained to teach according to various curricula across countries. Further, we have a fully customizable curriculum, tailored to your child’s needs.