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Who is the Father of Mathematics?


Archimedes is known as the Father of Mathematics. Mathematics is one of the ancient sciences developed in time immemorial. A major topic of discussion regarding this particular field of science is about who is the father of mathematics. 

19 January 2021

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Archimedes is regarded as one of the most notable Greek mathematicians. He is known as the Father of Mathematics.

In this article, we will be dealing with a small introduction to the great mathematicians' lives of all time. The significant discoveries, concepts in mathematical science are the contributions of the father of mathematics. Any student who is enthusiastic about learning the techniques of mathematical problems would have ever wondered about who is the creator of mathematics.

Early photograph of Father of Mathematics - Archimedes

Life of Archimedes | Father of Mathematics

  • Archimedes is considered the Father of Mathematics for his significant contribution to the development of mathematics. His contributions are being used in great vigour, even in modern times. 
  • Although a little is known about his birth, family, and early childhood, he is still considered one famous classical antiquity figure. He was born in 287 BC into an astronomer family and died in 212 BC in the Siege of Syracuse. Phidias is the name of his Astronomer father. He was born in Syracuse, which was a Greek colony at that time. 
  • From his childhood, Archimedes took an interest in studying science, mathematics, and politics. Throughout his entire life, Archimedes was fascinated with mathematical equations and problem-solving.
  • Archimedes's family also supported him in getting a proper education. This was probably the reason for which he joined the School of Mathematics, which is in Egypt. 

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Archimedes is a famous Greek Mathematician who is regarded as the Father of Mathematics, devoted his whole life to discovering mathematics and also science in his later life. Let us read more about his life.

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Interesting facts on Archimedes

  • There are several interesting facts about Archimedes. An award, namely 'The Fields Medal,' is designed with Archimedes’ image in memory of his contribution. This prestigious award is presented to the great mathematicians of their time. 
  • The name Archimedes received great popularity. As a result, an asteroid was named after this Greek scientist’s name. Besides these, there is a famous mountain range named after the famous Greek mathematician, the father of mathematics, known as Montes Archimedes. It is a mountain range situated on the Moon. The popularity of his name and discoveries increased in fever pitch day by day.

Notable Inventions of Archimedes- Father of Mathematics

  • Archimedes is considered the father of mathematics because of his notable inventions in mathematics and science. He was in the service of King Hiero II of Syracuse. 
  • At that time, he developed many inventions. Archimedes made out a pulley system designed to help the sailors move objects up and down that are weighty.
  • Archimedes has configured diverse mathematical concepts to solve mathematical problems. The 'method of exhaustion' is developed by Archimedes to measure the areas of shapes. Quantifying the value of PI is the result of his 'method of exhaustion.' 
  • This step of most outstanding achievement is used in mathematics to calculate the measurement of a circle. Through this method, Archimedes established the relationship between spheres and cylinders. He studied the area and surface of a circle as well as a parabola.
  • Archimedes is one of the earlier mathematicians who studied the uses of prime numbers. He brought out the concept of infinity. He devised a weapon which is called the claw of Archimedes. This claw was made to defend the city wall's seaward portion against any sort of military assault. It was a defense mechanism to resist the attack of Roman general Marcellus. 

Archimedes during an experiment

  • Among his discoveries, Archimedes Screw is best known. Archimedes screw consists of an empty cylinder and a hollow spiral either inside or outside the cylinder. The screw, with its rotation, shifts the water from a lower plane place to a higher place. 
  • This invention was used to take away water from the hold of a ship. The Archimedes screw let water to flow upwards. In today’s date also, the Egyptian people are using this highly helpful method for the irrigation of crops. Farmers use this technique, especially in arid places.
  • Archimedes principle is one of the major throwbacks in the history of Science. Archimedes's principle was conceived by the Greek mathematician while serving King Hieron. Behind this groundbreaking invention, there is a story of the king and Archimedes himself. King Hieron ordered or received a crown that is made of gold. But when he received it, he doubted it. 
  • He thought that it was silver instead of gold. The king offered Archimedes the responsibility to check whether it is of gold or silver. During the bath, Archimedes looked at the movement of the water body. He submerged the crown, and as a result, it displaces the water, which is equal to its volume. 
  • Archimedes became so excited and came up shouting ‘Eureka,’ ‘Eureka.’ He realized that an object’s size could be measured by placing it in water. It can be estimated through how much the water moved. In the latter period, it became famous as the Archimedes principle.
  • Archimedes is a prominent figure in mathematics. His invention facilitated many more modern technological innovations. He wrote several works that helped in developing many concepts. 
  • His important works are like ‘On the Equilibrium of Planes,’ ‘On the Measurement of a Circle,’ ‘On Spirals,’ The Sand Reckoner.’  In the course of history, Archimedes made several contributions to the field of mathematics. Therefore, he is considered the 'father of mathematics' because of his important contribution to mathematics. 

Archimedesā€™ Inventions

Death of the Father of Mathematics- Archimedes

Since Sicily was a Greek colony, it was frequently confronted with attacks of enemy nations. Once the Roman military leader Marcus Claudius Marcellus invaded Sicily where one of the Roman soldiers killed Archimedes. A soldier killed him in this Siege of Syracuse in 212BC. 

There are several narratives concerning the story of the death of this well-known figure. According to a group of historians, soldiers attacked Archimedes because he mistakenly took the mathematical tools as a weapon.


Archimedes, who is the father of mathematics, served his lifetime, discovering various concepts, methods, and techniques in mathematics and science. Though he is not with us in person today, his inventions and ideas are greatly being used today. 

His principles and ideas will remain with us to inspire future lovers of science. His excellences and reputation helped him to earn the title of ‘the father of mathematics.’ Today’s modern world would not have been so developed scientifically without the outstanding contribution of Archimedes. 

His devotion and dedication towards science and mathematics molded and motivated the future generation to contribute to science and mathematics with many more discoveries and inventions. The present scientists can follow Archimedes' footprints, who is the father of mathematics, to contribute to society and bring laurels to the nation.

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FAQs on Archimedes - Father of Mathematics

What did Archimedes discover?

In the 3rd Century BC, Archimedes: invented the sciences of mechanics and hydrostatics. He discovered the laws of levers and pulleys, which allow us to move heavy objects using small forces.

 What is Archimedes famous for?

He is most famous for discovering the law of hydrostatics, sometimes known as 'Archimedes' principle', stating that a body immersed in fluid loses weight equal to the weight of the amount of fluid it displaces. 

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