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Unity is Strength


Read the Story on Unity is Strength with Illustrations

Once upon a time, there lived a flock of doves in a village that flew in search of food driven by their king.

One day while searching for food, they flew a long distance and were very tired. The Dove King noticed this and encouraged the flock to fly a bit more further.

The smallest dove among them flew a bit faster and found some grains of rice beneath a banyan tree. The whole flock landed and began to eat the rice grains.

Suddenly, a net fell over them and the flock was trapped underneath the net.

They saw a hunter approaching them carrying a huge club. The birds frantically fluttered their wings to get out of the net but in vain.

The Dove King had an idea. He believed that there is strength in unity. He advised all the doves to fly up together carrying the net with them.

Each dove picked up a portion of the net and flew away with the net. The hunter looked up in astonishment and tried following them. The flock flew up in the mountains and landed in a city nearby.

There lived a mouse who was the loyal friend of the Dove King. The mouse was happy to see the flock and decided to help them out. The King insisted the mouse to free his subjects first and then free him at the last.

Flock of doves

The mouse called all his friends and began to cut the net with their teeth and one by one all the doves were set free including the Dove King.

The flock of doves couldn’t thank the mouse enough and flew away together.

Moral of the story: You are stronger when you work together, unity is strength.