Nearest Tenth Calculator
Nearest Tenth Calculator shows the nearest tenth value of any decimal number.
What Is a Nearest Tenth Calculator?
A 'Nearest Tenth Calculator' is an online tool which rounds off a decimal number to its nearest tenths place value. Nearest Tenth Calculator shows the nearest tenth value of any decimal number within a few seconds.
Nearest Tenth Calculator
How to Use the Nearest Tenth Calculator?
Follow these simple steps to use the calculator:
- Step 1: Enter any decimal number to round it off to the nearest tenth.
- Step 2: Click on "Go" to get the rounded value of the entered number.
- Step 3: Click on "Reset" to clear the field and enter the new number.
What Is Meant by the Nearest Tenth?
Rounding off to the nearest tenths means the value should be written correctly to one decimal place. The tenth place value in a decimal number is the first number which comes first after the decimal point. For this, we need to observe the hundredth number (the number which comes second after the decimal point). If this number is greater than or equal to 5, we add 1 to the tenth value. If it is less than 5, we leave the tenth place value as it is, and remove all the numbers present after this number.
For example: When we round off 3.646824 to the nearest tenths, it gives us 3.6
Solved Examples on Nearest Tenth Calculator
Example 1:
Round off the given decimal number to the nearest tenths, 32.78053 and verify it using the online nearest tenth calculator.
The hundredth number = 8, which is greater than 5.
So, we add 1 to the number on the tenths place, which is: 7 +1 = 8
∴ The nearest tenth value of 32.78053 is 32.8.
Example 2:
Round off the given decimal number to the nearest tenths, 58.8646 and verify it using the online nearest tenth calculator.
The hundredth number = 6, which is greater than 5.
So, we add 1 to the number on the tenths place, which is: 6 + 1 = 7
∴ The nearest tenth value of 58.8646 is 58.9
Example 3:
Round off the given decimal number to the nearest tenths, 18.45 and verify it using the online nearest tenth calculator.
The hundredth number = 5, which is equal to 5.
So, we add 1 to the number on the tenths place, which is: 4 + 1 = 5
∴ The nearest tenth value of 18.45 is 18.5
Now, use the online nearest tenth calculator to find the nearest tenth values of the following numbers:
- 45.67
- 9.0456853
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