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Is Geometry Hard?


15 December 2020                

Read time: 5 minutes


As children progress in their grades, the courses progress with them too. And among other subjects, math moves at a faster pace. With the increasing concepts in mathematics, children often get confused and can’t differentiate between different topics being taught.

All this happens because school learning is still a set of one-sided lectures where teachers address a big class, and students are simply listening, not learning.

And when the focus on learning math changes from algebra to geometry, children find it difficult to make the switch. Studies suggest that it is creative rather than analytical. Children are required to use their spatial and logical skills instead of the analytical skills they were accustomed to using in Algebra.

Mother son duo looking at the laptop

And since geometry is never taught the way it should, students see it as another analytical problem they have to solve, rather than visualizing the actual geometric figures. What seems like a small problem now becomes deep-rooted and strong as children grow. This hindrance grows to become deep-rooted and children start to wonder why is geometry so hard and why can’t I do geometry.

 Solve the problem from the root before it gets bigger, switch to visual learning with Cuemath..and the next time you ask them is geometry hard, their answer will be a definite NO!

Is Geometry Hard? - PDF

If you ever want to read it again as many times as you want, here is a downloadable PDF to explore more.

📥 Is Geometry Hard? - PDF


Also read

Is Geometry Hard?

Before we answer this, let's start by understanding why learn geometry. Do you realize, every day we are surrounded by different shapes in real life and sizes all around us? From the bowl of milk holding cornflakes to the planets, we see in the sky...All of these objects have different shapes and sizes.

Geometry is important to understand what is around us. Here are some more reasons why…

  1. Visual Ability

Some children think in shapes and sizes, others think with visual abilities. And to visualize, children need the understanding of geometry; or they may not be able to imagine things in a bigger picture.

Visual Ability of yellow triangles

  1. Numbers & Measurements

When shapes and sizes come to life, numbers and measurements will help children understand the relationship between shapes and sizes. With numbers & measurements, children will be able to understand the measurements and relationships of lines, angles, surfaces, and solids.

Pencil and set squares

  1. 3D Thinking

Kids can't possibly understand 2 and 3 dimensions without the knowledge of geometry when these concepts originated in geometry! X/ Y/ Z axes & Triangles to pyramids..all of these can only be visualized with the help of geometry. 

  1. Spatial Understanding

Kids might find it difficult to grasp the concept of spatial understanding if it is not for geometry. Areas related to space, position, size & shape of things will help children appreciate the wonders of the world.

gif of 3d shapes rotating
Source: giphy

Children may get the fear of geometry and find that geometry is hard and feel like they can’t do it; this may happen because they are learning about it the first time, they are also learning without visual aid.

The benefits of geometry go beyond the schooling years and into engineering and medical fields as well. Whether your children build a rocket or treat ailing patients in their career, they will use geometry in their field of work.

Why can’t I do geometry?

Students are often faced with many doubts like “Why is geometry so hard?” “Is geometry hard?” “Why can't I do geometry?” “Why learn geometry?” “How hard is geometry” and “Geometry is hard.” And thus, discussing this is integral in clearing these conceptions to the point they thinking “Geometry is easy!”.

Children often have this fear in their minds that geometry is hard and ask ‘why I can't do geometry’. Removing this fear of ‘geometry is hard’ is the first step that should be taken by you as a parent. It's possible that children are not vocal about it, and you may have to identify this difficulty for them. Observe if they are:

  1. Unclear With Algebra

Geometry uses algebra extensively. Finding the angle of a triangle, find the length of a side, all of these involve the working knowledge of equations & algebra.

  1. Memorizing formulas

This is a big red flag, not just in geometry but in any mathematical learning. If your child is memorizing formulas without knowing the ‘Why Behind What’ or understanding its practical implementation, then they need additional support in their learning activity.

  1. Practicality

Geometry is one of those subjects which is highly practical. You can literally visualize the solution to any problem statement if you have the power of geometry on your side.

blackboard filled with mathematical equations and ideas
Source: Pixabay

So get the negative thoughts of “why is geometry so hard, why can't I do geometry, why learn geometry” out of children’s minds and engage them with fun visual interactions to facilitate their learning.


It is not difficult to develop competence in geometry. An assisted & personalized approach to interactive learning can help solve the problem for your child. They can acquire geometric thinking by:

  1. Visualizing

Identifying shapes on the basis of appearance

  1. Analyzing

Associating properties with shapes. Changing the direction of shapes to associate with them/ their properties

  1. Abstracting

Applying properties to questions, and relating with concepts.


Once your children go through these stages, they would have grasped all the geometrical concepts thoroughly. Geometry is important to understand what is around us.

If you think of it, the fear of “Is geometry hard?” should be re-evaluated because geometry is not hard. You had learned of these concepts in school as well, and whether you liked Math or not, you were able to visualize so many things beyond school with the help of geometry.

At Cuemath, we follow the same process to facilitate a child’s learning with the help of unique visualization techniques and interactions. When they are merged with our amazing teachers who provide personalized guidance.

About Cuemath

Cuemath, a student-friendly mathematics and coding platform, conducts regular Online Classes for academics and skill-development, and their Mental Math App, on both iOS and Android, is a one-stop solution for kids to develop multiple skills. Understand the Cuemath Fee structure and sign up for a free trial.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is geometry easier than algebra?

Geometry is easier than algebra. Algebra is more focused on equations while the things covered in Geometry really just have to do with finding the length of shapes and the measure of angles.

Why is geometry difficult?

Geometry is creative rather than analytical, and students often have trouble making the leap between Algebra and Geometry. They are required to use their spatial and logical skills instead of the analytical skills they were accustomed to using in Algebra.