Multiply: (a² - b²), (a² + b²)
Given, multiply (a² - b²), (a² + b²)
Using the standard identity (x + y)(x - y) =x² - y²
Here, x = a² and y = b²
⇒ (a² - b²) × (a² + b²)
= [(a²)² - (b²)²]
= a⁴ - b⁴
✦ Try This: Multiply: (p³ - q³), (p³ + q³)
Given, Multiply: (p³ - q³), (p³ + q³)
Using the standard identity (x + y)(x - y) =x² - y²
Here, x = p³ and y = q³
⇒(p³ - q³) x (p³ + q³)
= [(p³)]² - [(q³)]² = p⁶ - q⁶
☛ Also Check: NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 9
NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Maths Chapter 7 Problem 83(xv)
Multiply: (a² - b²), (a² + b²)
Multiplying (a² - b²), (a² + b²) we get, a⁴ - b⁴
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