Like Fraction
Fractions having the same denominator are known as like fractions. For example, 1/2, 3/2, and 5/2 are like fractions with a common denominator 2. Such fractions show parts of the whole divided equally into the exact same parts, for an instance, 1/2 implies 1 part out of 2, 3/2 implies 3 parts out of 2, and 5/2 implies 5 parts out of 2.
1. | What are Like Fractions? |
2. | Addition and Subtraction of Like Fractions |
3. | Difference between Like Fraction and Unlike Fraction |
4. | FAQs on Like Fractions |
What are Like Fractions?
Like fractions are the group of two or more fractions having the same denominator. In these fractions, the whole is divided into a fixed number of equal portions. For example, 5/6 and 4/6 are like fractions. Here, we have divided the whole into 6 equal parts. In 5/6, we are considering 5 parts out of 6, and in 4/6 we are considering 4 parts out of 6.
In the figure given below, a group of four like fractions 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, and 4/5 is shown pictorially.
Addition and Subtraction of Like Fractions
It is very easy to add or subtract two or more like fractions. Follow the step given below for the addition and subtraction of like fractions:
- Step 1- Add or subtract the numerators of the fractions.
- Step 2- Write the result in the form of the numerator obtained in step-1 over the common denominator.
For example, let us add 2/13 and 5/13.
The first step is to add their numerators, i.e, 2+5=7. So, the sum of fractions 2/13 and 5/13 is 7/13.
Similarly, to subtract 3/4 from 7/4, subtract 3 from 7, i.e., 7-3=4. So, the difference is 4/4, which can be reduced to 1.
Difference between Like Fraction and Unlike Fraction
Both like fractions and unlike fractions are considered in groups or pairs. The major difference between like fractions and unlike fractions is that unlike fractions have different denominators, whereas like fractions have the same denominator. For example, 1/7 and 4/7 are like fractions, whereas 1/7 and 3/4 are unlike fractions.
Here, it is important to note that sometimes, fractions are not given in the simplest form, but to identify like fractions, we would have to first reduce the fractions in the simplest form. For example, 5/2 and 9/6 are looking like unlike fractions as they have two different denominators 2 and 6. But actually, when we write 9/6 in the simplest form, we get 3/2. And, 3/2 and 5/2 are like fractions.
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Like Fraction Examples
Example 1: Add the following like fractions: 7/12 + 3/12 + 1/12
Solution: The addition of like fractions is done by taking the sum of the numerators over the common denominator. Here, given fractions are 7/12, 3/12, and 1/12, so by adding their numerators, we get, 7+3+1, which is 11. So, the sum of the given fractions is 7/12 + 3/12 + 1/12 = 11/12.
Example 2: Identify the like fractions from the given set of fractions.
2/3, 6/5, 4/3, 8/9, 9/3
Solution: As per the definition of like fractions, they have a common denominator. So, out of the given options, we can see that three fractions have the common denominator 3. Therefore, 2/3, 4/3, and 9/3 are like fractions.
Example 3: Subtract 4/7 from 9/7.
Solution: The given fractions 4/7 and 9/7 are like fractions, so to subtract them, we have to subtract their numerators. The difference between 4/7 and 9/7 is 9/7 - 4/7 = 5/7.
FAQs on Like Fractions
What is a Like Fraction with Example?
Fractions having the same number in the denominator are called like fractions. For example, 2/3, 4/3, 5/3 are examples of like fractions.
How to Convert Unlike Fraction to Like Fraction?
To convert a set of unlike fractions to like fractions, we have to make their denominators equal by using the LCM method. For example, to convert 8/9 and 3/4 into like fractions, we have to find the LCM of the denominators. The LCM of 9 and 4 is 36. Now, we have to multiply the numerator and denominator of both the fractions by a number that makes their denominators equal to 36.
8/9 × 4/4 = 32/36
and, 3/4 × 9/9 = 27/36
32/36 and 27/36 are like fractions. This is how we convert unlike fractions to like fractions.
How to Compare Like Fractions?
To compare two or more like fractions, just compare their numerators. In the case of like fractions, a fraction with a larger numerator is greater than that of a smaller numerator. For example, 2/3 > 1/3, and 4/5< 7/5.
How to Add Like Fractions?
To add two or more like fractions, we just need to add their numerators and write the sum as the addition of numerators over the common denominator. For example, 3/10 + 4/10 = (3+4)/10 = 7/10.
What Do Like Fractions Have?
Like fractions have the exact same denominator. For example, 3/4 and 1/4 are like fractions. The opposite of like fractions is unlike fractions, that is, a group of fractions with different denominators.
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